It's that time of year again...where millions of people who haven't watched a second of college basketball all year instantly become the biggest fans and experts on the planet by randomly picking winners of games in very much the same fashion they select horses at the race track. I hear Oklahoma St. has a secret pre-game recipe for their pasta with grilled, I've said too much already. But believe me, it's a no brainer. They can't lose.
(Even at this very moment I am eavesdropping on a fellow co-worker spouting some bull about how Florida State and Duke would be an epic matchup and how FSU is so underrated because of their size and skill...mhm)
I'm tempted to begin an "Overheard in the Office Blog" involving ridiculous March Madness statements...I'll get back to that idea later.
It's finally beginning to feel a little like spring here in Toronto. It was a momentous occasion today when I busted out the spring jacket for the first time. It's the little things in life that give us pleasure.
Jay Cutler, the QB for the Denver Broncos who was so insulted that his name was floated out in trade rumours earlier in the month has shown his loyalty to the club by doing what any other player trying to prove to a new coach that he wants to stay would do...sell his house and ask for a trade....wait, what?
The Raptors absolutely destroyed the Pacers yesterday afternoon at home, winning by 23 points. Taking a huge step forward in his journey towards becoming a new crowd favourite was Pops Mensah-Bonsu. Not only is he tenacious in his rebounding and pretty much attempts to break the rim down on every dunk, but how fun is his name to say!?! Mensah-Bonsu to the rim!... Mensah-Bonsu slams it down with authority!...Mensah-Bonsu poster-izes the defender!!...mhmm, love it.
The Canadian University Basketball Championships took place this weekend in Ottawa. Crowned champs for a sixth time in seven years were the Carleton Ravens. Carleton nearly missed out on the final for a second straight season though after needing a buzzer beating jump-shot to defeat my Alma-mater Western Mustangs in the semis.
But no fear, the Stangs were crowned Ontario champs this weekend in men's hockey and will go to Thunder Bay from March 26-29 to play for the national title.
Is the World Baseball Classic still really going on? Does anybody even care at this point...In future years the organizers really need to tighten up the event and make it much shorter than the 18 days it is now...heck the entire Olympics only last 17.
I don't care what bar in what city you are in, 10 bucks for a bottle of beer is way too much!
Rumours are the Buffalo Bills will carry some more star power into their annual game in Toronto this year. In addition to the recent signing of Terrel Owens, reports are that the Bills opponent in this season's regular season game at the Skydome will be Peyton Manning and the Indianapolis Colts...thank god, maybe someone will actually be interested in buying these stupid tickets I paid way too much for last year.
Ok...some actually really disturbing news out of Iraq from this weekend.
A soccer player was shot and killed on Sunday right on the pitch in the middle of a match. Worse is that this apparently had nothing to do with terrorism, Sunni and Shiite aggression or even reaction to the Bush shoe thrower getting sentenced to three years in prison (three years!?!). No, apparently the player was taking the ball and about to score a tying goal when an opposing fan decided he liked the score of the game as it was at that point, thank you very much.
...Wow. Note to self: When playing Iraq in any sport, be sure to give them the little sister treatment (ooh look at that, your slow rolling dud went right through my wide open legs. Great goal!)
Tiger Woods made his triumphant re-return to pro golf this weekend by appearing in his first stroke play tournament since last summer. The other players must not have been informed of his presence though because nobody, despite what the commercials might lead you to believe, laid down and disqualified themselves due to Tiger-phobia.
How dare they actually "try hard" and "believe they can win" when Tiger is in the field...for-shame! Don't they know there are TV ratings to be counted here...sheesh.
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