10. Thou shall never pay more than 20 bucks an hour to play
9. Thou shall always remove one piece of equipment somewhere to indicate this is not the NHL (neckguard, facemask, elbow pads and shoulder pads are popular in this regard)
8. Thou shall carry one light and one dark jersey in thine bag at all times
7. Thou shall remember who brought the pucks onto the ice and return them to their rightful owners after the game
6. Thou shall skate onto the ice not after, but just before the zamboni has finished resurfacing just to stick it to all those coaches and referees who told you that would get you a penalty as a kid
5. Thou shall have no less than 1 and no more than 5 substitutes on the bench at any given time
4. Thou shall not be a showoff, but if the opportunity arises to dangle around a lesser player, missing that chance would be a sin
3. If thou art substantially better or substantially worse than the other players in your game, thou shall excuse thyself from the league and find somewhere more suiting to your skill level
2. If thou art invited by a friend to play in a game for the first time, thou shall not chirp or be an agitator if thou does not know thine opponents
1. Thou shall spend at least five minutes after the game bantering about how much thine team or thines opponent sucked and how much better they usually are, no matter how much of a hurry thou art in to leave
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