A few trades were made this weekend in sport. The Montreal Canadiens acquired 39-year-old defenseman Matthieu Schneider for what one can only assume will be a weekly mah-jong or bridge tournament they plan on holding.
Also, Shawn Marion got traded to the Raptors for Jermaine O'Neil. In other news, the Raps were yet again denied permission for a 'redo' on their 'Vince Carter for a bag of pucks' trade a few years back.
Speaking of basketball, the All-Star Slam Dunk Competition Weekend took place...I don't get why they even play a game.
Nate Robertson's dunk OVER Dwight Howard was...jaw-dropping mostly for the physics involved in a 5'8 player leaping...again....OVER a 7-footer.
That, however, was not my favourite dunk of the night. Rudy Fernandez got hosed on his first dunk of the competition throwing a behind the back pass off the top right of the backboard then catching it with one hand and throwing down...that was awesome, but he got the lowest mark in the entire competition!!. Is it cause he's white?? C'mon, can't a white man get ahead in this world??
Apparently, Shaq has completed his transformation from credible basketball player to something called a Jabbawockee...?
The weather this past weekend in the Muskoka region a few hours north of Toronto was absolutely perfect. Mad thanks to the cottage hosts for putting me/us up.
David Beckham was denied permission to transfer to Milan permanently. He must now report back to LA in the beginning of March for MLS training camp. Again, I'm not saying it's gonna happen, but he would feel mighty at home in Toronto with TFC.
I miss fantasy football.
They raced the Daytona 380 this weekend...with the final however many thousand laps getting cancelled due to rain.
The final round of the Pebble Beach Pro-Am tourney in the PGA was also rained out and cancelled with Mike Weir sitting in second place and only four shots back. How much would that suck if you were him to only play 3 rounds and then collect your check for a little under a million dollars with sti.....oh...wait....
In the most 'won't this please just fade away' story of the year so far, the Richland County Sheriff says Michael Phelps will NOT be charged for doing something that about 50% percent of the US has done themselves and thinks is ok anyways...Prosecutor turns his attention back to the Duke lacrosse boys.
Brett Favre still hasn't un-retired...yet.
Shahar Pe'er, the Israeli pro tennis player, was denied permission to enter Dubai for a tournament this weekend because of her silly mistake of trying to enter Dubai with an Israeli passport...oops.
Finally, It's the most exciting (read: insignificant) time of the year for the baseball fan. Spring training is underway in Florida and Arizona and all teams have a hope again. Everyone has a perfect record and.....wait...it's still February, who the hell cares??
Note: The Blue Jays are the only (literally, the ONLY) team in the majors not to have signed a real major league level free-agent this off-season. Man, remember when these guys were good and competing every year and winning World Series' and Cito Gaston was the manager...oh...wait.
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