No way.....He's not even wearing a shirt!
OK, well apparently Jose Canseco kinda told us about this whole "steroids" thing a few years ago and none of us were willing to "believe" him. He wrote in his 2005 book Juiced that Mark McGwire did it (check), Rafael Palmeiro did it (check), Jason Giambi did it (check), Juan Gonzalez did it (check), Ivan Rodriguez...well, we can't all be perfect can we?
He even wrote in his latest book, entitled Vindicated, that he introduced A-Rod to a steroids dealer a number of years ago. Well it would seem even if it was not a result of that meeting, Canseco's inclination that A-Rod might not be 'the clean hope' after all, was bang on.
So Jose Canseco now apparently has a plan.
Canseco has reportedly approached the powers that be at MLB that he would like to be a part of the solution to this little issue that baseball has been having. He would reveal no details of what his actual plan is, but said he would like to meet directly with MLB commissioner Bud Selig and union head Donal Fehr to discuss his ideas. Something smells fishy here...
"I think everyone realizes I have not in any way, shape or form tried to create smoke and mirrors like Major League Baseball has and the players have," said Canseco. "I have been excruciatingly honest about what's going on in baseball."
Kinda throwing the league under the bus there a wee bit, aren't we?
Either way, the point is despite his recent forays into a season of the Surreal Life, where he was seen prancing around in a thong and his "fighting" career with bouts against Vai Sicahema, which he was knocked out of in the first round and Danny Bonaduce, who he drew to a tie, Canseco kinda has been the most forthright of any person related to this entire scandal.
We know he's been truthful, but should he be trusted?
So far, it's been very clear the reason for Canseco's candor. He's trying to make some cash and keep himself in the public eye for as long as possible.
If you were the owner of all this super-secretive information and had nothing to lose by giving it up (except for the respect and trust of everyone who thought they were your friends), would you not do the same...? Maybe not?...Oh, ok.
To me, this latest effort by Canseco reeks of yet another publicity stunt, trying to boost his own credibility and prove to himself, once again, that he was right all along.
If I'm MLB, I run as fast and as far as I can from this guy.
I start my own independent commission on the eradication of steroids in sports. This commission would have a goal towards implementing a curriculum at the elementary school age that teaches kids all the potential dangers of doing steroids. One of the ways I would do this is by showing a career retrospective of Jose Canseco.
How a man once known for smashing homers waaaaay out of the park has been reduced to side shows, tell-alls, cheap publicity stunts and quick money grabs is truly a sad sight.
The MLB needs to treat this issue with the seriousness it deserves and not allow it to turn into a mockery further than it already is.
Jose, you may have been right about who did it, but your actions have proved that in no way are you to be trusted in fixing this problem.
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